The logo for joy lutheran church is a cross in a circle with rays coming out of it.

Welcome to Joy Lutheran Church

Join us this Sunday!

Bible Class at 9am in the Unsell Center

Worship with communion at 10am in the Chapel

We also have Children's Church at 10am

Food and Fun at 11am in the Unsell Center

We meet at Billings Seventh Day Adventist Church

3200 Broadwater Ave.

Billings, MT 59102


Everything You Need to Know About Visiting

Joy Lutheran Church

  • When should I get there?

    We recommend arriving a few minutes prior to Bible class so you have time to grab a cup of coffee and get settled in. 

    Likewise, if you are joining us for worship it would be good to arrive a bit early so can grab a bulletin, fill out a nametag and find a place to sit.

  • What is your weekly schedule?

    Our Sunday mornings look like this:

    • 9am Bible Class in the Unsell Center
    • 10am Worship with communion in the chapel
    • 11am Food and fellowship in the Unsell Center
  • Where should I park?

    We have lots of parking. However, you may want to park in the lot between the main building and the Unsell Center as we have activities in each place.

  • What should I wear?

    Don't worry about what to wear. No matter if you prefer something casual or wearing your Sunday best, we want you to be comfortable and experience Jesus' love and acceptance. You will see a wide spectrum of clothing choices in our services.

  • What are the services like?

    Our services last about an hour. They include a few hymns accompanied on the piano, some readings from the Bible, a message for the children, a sermon, prayers, and communion.

  • Is there childcare?

    We are passionate about communicating the truth about Jesus' love in age-appropriate ways and invite children to worship during the children's sermon each week.

    We value having children in worship. We encourage children to worship with their households at the beginning of the service  until our children's message. After the children's message, the children leave for children's church and return for communion.

  • Can I take communion?

    We believe communion is a special meal, where we receive Jesus' forgiveness as he gives us his body and blood with bread and wine.

    We believe Christians who have faith in the words, "given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins" and desire the forgiveness Jesus offers in this meal are worthy and well prepared to receive this meal.  

    If you'd like to read more about what the Bible says about communion, look up Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-30; and 1 Corinthians 11:17-34.

  • How much do I need to know to come to Bible class?

    We study the Bible to get to know God more and be shaped by him. Each person in the room is at a different place and knowledge level. We know that we are in this together and that none of us knows it all.

Let us Know You're Coming!

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