The logo for joy lutheran church is a cross in a circle with rays coming out of it.

Give to Joy Lutheran Church

We believe that God has blessed us so that we can be a blessing to others, so we give 10% of all of our offerings to different nonprofit ministries throughout Billings and Yellowstone County.

We are all managers of what God has generously given us, so we want to give as a joyful response to God's generous grace. The Bible reminds us, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7).

We offer multiple ways to give to encourage a lifestyle of generosity as a thankful response for all of God's Blessings. Below are some ways to give financially. If you are interested in giving of your time, click the button below.

I'd Like to Learn about How I can Serve

4 Ways to Give

A gold plate with a red velvet lining

1. In Person

Gifts of cash or checks payable to "Joy Lutheran Church" can be dropped in the offering plate at any of our worship services.

A person is holding a cell phone in their hand.

3. Online

You can make your donation on a one time or recurring basis using your credit or debit card via PayPal.

Please note that PayPal transactions include a 1.99% processing fee in addition to a $0.49 charge per donation which will be deducted from your donation prior to it reaching Joy Lutheran Church. You can use this calculator to see how much of your donation will reach Joy. Please be sure to select the charity rate in the drop down menu.

You may also give your offering via direct deposit. Please contact us for the bank information.

4. Serve

You can also offer your time and talents to serve in ministries within our congregation or join us in sharing Jesus' love in Billings through different service projects.

We currently prepare and deliver a hot lunch to Tumbleweed once each month to serve our communities vulnerable and homeless youth.

Here are some other ways we serve the Billings community:

  • Cookie Drive for Tumbleweed (February)
  • School Supplies for Ponderosa Elementary (August)
  • Socks, Gloves, and Mittens for Tumbleweed (October)
  • Gift Cards for the Billings Sr. High Food Pantry (December)
I'd like to serve
A logo for tumbleweed with a colorful flower on a blue background
Two women standing next to a table full of socks
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